
C. Fuente los Gallegos, 10 , El Tiemblo, Spain

If you indicate in Google Maps "Casa Valdesanmartin" or "Camino del Roble, El Tiemblo" it will take you directly to our house. 

For those who prefer not to use technologies, we give you directions coming from Madrid, Ávila or Toledo. 

FROM MADRID (79 km - 1h 10 minutes by car) 

Head towards the M-501 road in the direction of San Martín de Valdeiglesias. 

Arriving at San Martín de Valdeiglesias, you should head towards the N-403 road towards Ávila-El Tiemblo, but without reaching El Tiemblo 

They will travel approximately 2km until they find the detour to the AV-502 road towards Cebreros on the right-hand side.

They will cover approximately another 2km of curves on the AV-502 road until they reach the Dehesa de Valdesanmartín. 

They should take the third path on the left (Camino Real del Tiemblo) and continue until they pass a pronounced grade change. 

Once they pass the grade change, they will find the Camino del Roble on the right-hand side where they will access the Casa Valdesanmartín Parking. 

FROM AVILA (35 km - 50 minutes by car) 

Head down the N-403 road towards Toledo. They must pass the town of El Tiemblo. 

Before reaching San Martín de Valdeiglesias, on the left you should take the detour to the AV-502 road towards Cebreros.

They will cover approximately another 2km of curves on the AV-502 road until they reach the Dehesa de Valdesanmartín. 

They should take the third path on the left (Camino Real del Tiemblo) and continue until they pass a pronounced grade change. 

Once they pass the grade change, they will find the Camino del Roble on the right-hand side where they will access the Casa Valdesanmartín Parking. 

FROM TOLEDO (69 km - 1 hour by car) 

Head down the N-403 road towards Ávila-El Tiemblo. 

Passing San Martín de Valdeiglesias, but without reaching El Tiemblo, on the right hand side you should take the detour to the AV-502 road towards Cebreros.

They will cover approximately another 2km of curves on the AV-502 road until they reach the Dehesa de Valdesanmartín. 

They should take the third path on the left (Camino Real del Tiemblo) and continue until they pass a pronounced grade change. 

Once they pass the grade change, they will find the Camino del Roble on the right-hand side where they will access the Casa Valdesanmartín Parking. 

75 Km


1 Km
